Today the trend of teaching English to small children is spreading in Japan. Do you think whether it is good or not? There are some merits and demerits in this point. Begin with considering three merits of teaching English early. First, it is often said that it is better to learning foreign language in early stage. Children have a good ability to learn anything and the older they get, the less they can memorize things. Regard with learning language, this is most prominent. In addition that, English is easy language in the world. So, it is good for children to learn English as early as they can. Second, the needs of English has become more strong. These days, a lot of foreigners have come to Japan and the chance for Japanese children to communicate with them is increasing. If you meet a classmate who can only speak English and you want to make friends with him, you must speak English.
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys,re,glob,numpy as np argvs = sys.argv argc = len(argvs) fw = open(sys.argv[2] + ".csv", 'w') fw.write("Filename" + "," + "Sum of Sentences" + "," + "Sum of Paragraphs" + "," + "S in 1st" + ","+ "S in 2nd" + ","+ "S in 3rd" + ","+ "S in 4th" + ","+ "S in 5th" + ","+ "S in 6th" + ","+ "S in 7th" + ","+ "S in 8th" + "," + "S in 9th" + "," + "S in 10th" + "," + "S in 11th" + ","+ "S in 12th" + ","+ "S in 13th" + ","+ "S in 14th" + ","+ "S in 15th" + ","+ "S in 16th" + ","+ "S in 17th" + ","+ "S in 18th" + "," + "S in 19th" + "," + "S in 20th" + "\n") for fn in sorted(glob.glob(sys.argv[1] + "*.txt")): filename = fn.split('/')[-1] with open(fn, 'r') as fn: files = fn.read() div = len(re.findall(r'^\n', files, flags = re.MULTILINE)) if div != 0: regrep = re.sub('^\n', '%P\n', files, flags = re.MULTILINE).split("\n") numP = np.array([i for i, x in enumerate(regrep) if x == "%P"]) numPS = [j for j in numP][0] numSEP = np.diff(numP) - 1 L = [k for k in numSEP] L.insert(0, numPS) sumsens = sum(L) L.insert(0, div) result = ",".join(repr(l) for l in L) fw.write(filename + "," + str(sumsens) + "," + str(result) + "\n") else: sumsens2 = len([m.strip() for m in files.split("\n")]) fw.write(filename + "," + str(sumsens2) + "," + str(1) + "," + str(sumsens2) + "\n") fw.close()
Filename,Sum of Sentences,Sum of Paragraphs,S in 1st,S in 2nd,S in 3rd,S in 4th,S in 5th,S in 6th,S in 7th,S in 8th,S in 9th,S in 10th,S in 11th,S in 12th,S in 13th,S in 14th,S in 15th,S in 16th,S in 17th,S in 18th,S in 19th,S in 20th JPN501.txt,25,4,9,5,3,8 JPN502.txt,29,5,7,10,6,0,6 JPN503.txt,8,2,4,4 JPN504.txt,23,4,8,4,7,4 JPN505.txt,19,2,13,6 JPN506.txt,18,4,1,3,6,8 JPN507.txt,24,4,1,10,4,9 JPN508.txt,16,4,1,7,4,4 JPN509.txt,18,5,1,4,3,4,6 JPN510.txt,1,1,1 JPN511.txt,25,8,1,4,5,3,3,1,4,4 JPN512.txt,22,4,1,4,8,9 JPN513.txt,30,8,1,1,10,4,1,3,6,4 JPN514.txt,6,2,1,5 JPN515.txt,22,5,1,4,8,4,5 JPN516.txt,18,4,1,3,8,6 JPN517.txt,29,7,1,3,7,6,4,4,4 JPN518.txt,24,5,1,7,5,7,4 JPN519.txt,27,4,1,8,9,9 JPN520.txt,19,4,1,4,8,6